poitu varam

THE CHRONICLES OF A FLEDGLING MISSIONARY CALLED JOLLYBEGGAR "i still gaze fondly at all of the pictures, drink ginger beer, bunch my food, listen to punjabi dj tunes, play my dholki, wear my sarong (around the house only because in canada it is still really uncommon for a man to wear a wraparound skirt in public) and speak way too much of the differences between east and west..."

Thursday, August 03, 2006

a new circle

so here it is, nearly 1:00 in the morning and i believe that i am pretty much packed. in nearly six hours, i will leave once again for sri lanka- this time bringing with me some friends.

poitu varam indeed!


  • At 8/04/2006, Blogger Cinder said…

    planned on being at the airport for my teammates' departure...sorry...did pray for you from a distance and will continue to do so daily! we'll see you in Kandy in 9 days.

  • At 8/11/2006, Blogger jollybeggar said…

    little did we all know that the crazy stuff at heathrow would go down just as dan, ben, cinder, her husband and the rest of their team were trying to land there.

    after hours of circling the landing way, their plane was permitted to land, at which time they were all required to check their carry on baggage (laptops, digital cameras etc) for the sri lankan airways flight 506.

    then they sat on the tarmack for hours more.

    when they finally arrived in colombo this morning, all of their luggage was missing. apparently we're all being extra thorough right now.

    aw shucks, it's for our own protection, right?

    however, if you are shopping on the black market in asia and find a laptop with a bunch of free methodist missions pictures on it, it's probably dan's. please buy it and them leave contact details in this comment bar!


    jb- batticaloa, sri lanka

  • At 11/10/2006, Blogger Cinder said…

    it's really weird that every so often i visit poitu varam, not to read, but simply to look at and drink in the pictures.

    looking through them, my head's filled with the familiar sri lankan sounds, smells, fellowship, love.

    truly humbling...

  • At 1/23/2007, Blogger jollybeggar said…

    alright. here we go with poitu varam: the continuing stoooooory...

    stay tuned for tales of pirate's hotels, acts of terrorism, worship street parties and of course the shadow of the hand of God.

  • At 1/23/2007, Blogger Cinder said…

    yeah baby...the pirate's hotel and my stone female friends!


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